3000 Letters, Cards, Poems & Prayer Clothes Since 2006

Letters to troops1I began writing poetry for the troops and writing them in Winter of 2006 while I was in Branford, Florida briefly.  In July of 2006 I headed back to Jackson, MS. area.

I moved into my old church where  my four children and I had attended for about five years.  I used to clean the church for an offering to the Lord and I always volunteered to work in the nursery since my baby boy was in there.

So when I came back there all those years later it was no problem for them to let me move in and sleep in the Sunday School room on the 2nd floor.  I stayed in the church by myself for about a year.   I resumed helping around the church and taking care of the 3 year olds on Sunday night.

The church asked me to organize all of their greeting cards.  And they gave me a great deal of them.  I spent a lot of time making homemade envelops with some fax paper or old copy machine paper that one of the ladies in the church gave me.  I sent 100 cards in less the six weeks while I was living there.   The local car dealer sent them to the troops for me.

Later, I got my own place in January of 2008 in Richland, MO.   and It was a three bedroom with a garage.  A brand new duplex.  The people living on the other side were very nice.  The nearest Walmart was at least thirty miles away in any direction.

So I absolutely had nothing to do.  I began sewing and writing the troops. Since then I’ve written about 3000 letters and cards to the troops.  I made the troops some prayer clothes in the shape of a heart and they had the American Flag sewn on them.  Please show your support by telling them Merry Christmas.  Find out how here at Operation Christmas Card.  Thank you!  Here are some of the poems I wrote for the troops;

To our United States Military and our allies.
Though I have never seen you, you are always in my heart
As I walk under the pecan tree and see the dogwood budding near
My heart is lightly relishing this wonderful peace of heaven on earth;
because of God and you, now there is no need to fear.
While I am walking in the yard, amidst the pecans and oak trees, I gaze upon a red bird on a branch;
I whisper a prayer of gratitude and thanks!
It is because of what your doing, and because of who you are;
that I can lay upon my bed safely, glancing in the woods to see a squirrel shuffling, or hear a bird singing; because there is peace!
To awaken to the beauty of how it should always be;
A safe dwelling place of refuge with the birds singing safely. To look out of my window at a life haven and of peace;
Peace within my borders; a world all at rest
at least is how it appears ’till, I hear of what your doing;
a sacrifice you’ve made;
To let me enjoy the solemn heaven of my world at peace;
I couldn’t have one bit of it without your sacrifice;
The hell that your experiencing has made my world so nice;
To see the bird just resting not fleeing in haste or fear;
is only because she is safely dwelling in the place you helped provide that is here.
With all my heart I thank you and can’t begin to pen my thoughts of how I feel;
Of how what your doing has blessed me every moment with the peaceful dwelling, & safe haven that is so very real!
You haven’t had much of this in quite some time because of your sacrafice to fight the evil and to keep it far from me;
In my prayers you too will experience this haven of safe and peaceful dwelling with the birds, squirrels, and the oaks and pecan trees.
I just want you to know that rarely does anytime go by even in a day;
That I don’t realize the gift of peace we have in our land;
is because of the price you pay;
To keep the war far from our shores the bombs far away.
To give us a quiet resting place and blessed pure water we enjoy every day.
Your work is never unnoticed nor are you ever without my greatest prayer;
That the world can be at peace again; and you’ll safely return home without one care.

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He has brought me out of gross darkness and now His marvelous light appears As He bestows on me His banner of love and victory, He banishes all my fears.

Your joint heir in Christ, and fellow citizen of the Kingdom of God, A sister in the Lord,

Winter 2006 Branford, Florida

Faith In The Fog of War by Captain Chris Plekenpol

A Tribute To The Soidiers Over Seas compliments of SOS Family Gateway

Soidiers Over Seas SOS Family Gateway

Military Warriors Support Foundation

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My Hero You

I said a prayer for you today
Even Though you are a half a world away
My desire was for you to have what you give to me
the quiet waters surrounded by peace
the only sound is the sparrow leaving her nest
the world around here all still and at rest
the rainbow of pastels surface the deep
silver, blue and gold with a splash of pink
the hinds footprints of a big deer in the sand
where I hope you too one day soon will stand
I sent the serenity and power of peace
to all of you for comfort & soon the war will cease
Thank you for what you give to me
I want you to have it more now you see
December 8, 2006
Lost Rabbit, Ross Barnett Reservoir, Madison, MS. 39110
Dedicated to all of our troops in Iraq
with love, thoughts and prayers, Kimi

Is Love between a man and a woman devoted to each other
Desiring and esteeming them more than anything or another
Faithful giving completely the whole of your life
past, present and future to your husband or your wife
Never holding back any secrets or thoughts from within
But totally transparent and without shame or sin
With only this one forever giving them your all
Each must make this choice to fulfill the wedding call
No matter what is now or what in the future will ever be
With the love of your life then heaven on earth you will see
Every day will bring new sunshine and new hope will appear
This way you always win in life with never anything to fear
For God is love and love is His gift to share
Perfect is His gift from up above He does bare
7/7/6 Laredo, Texas


Kimmy Gerred Nelson

Kimmy Gerred Nelson

Kimmy G. Nelsonletterstotroops3prayerclothstotroops