I Have To Look At Myself In The Mirror Everyday

I may not be perfect but I can easily look at myself in the mirror without any reserves to look straight into my eyes without shame.

If I were a prostitute I would hate myself  because my body is not my own it belongs to the Lord.  After 12 years of intentionally obeying the Ten Commands, Keeping the Passover Offering for 10 years.  And giving God 10% of all of my increase it would be a digression in a big way if I did anything less than that.

Not only a digression, but It would also effect my faith in a negative way since doing those things had such a tremendous positive effect on my faith.

I don’t do it for “works” sake, I do it for my Faith’s Sake.  Everyone is on a different platform with their faith.

It may not take all that for you.  But because I went all out for the Devil when I served HIM, I want to make sure that I go all out for God now that I am HIS!

If I had a sexual relationship with anyone besides a man during Holy Matrimony then I wouldn’t be able to face myself in the mirror.

If I were a thief or an extortioner I wouldn’t be able to live with myself either.

There may be times when I was miserable because I felt God’s word or HIS promises had failed me or  it didn’t pay off for me to give my tithe, or my Passover offering.  But anything contrary to what HIS word says is nothing worth listening to.

And Sometimes feel like quitting because my faith didn’t seem to be enough.  But I can honestly say that my frustration is not because of my compromising the word of God so that I would have the provision that I needed.

Anyone can prostitute, go with a married man, or steal from another.  It takes real guts NOT to do any of those things as a single Christian women being persecuted for your faith while suffering from the afflictions in your body and lack in your bank account.

It takes a real Christian NOT to compromise the word of God when under fire or  when the waters are so deep over your head.